Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Organization Often Faces Situations Require-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Organization Often Faces Situations Require? Answer: Introducation According to Northhouse (2015), Trait theory of leadership is considered a timeless theory of leadership. According to the trait theory, effective leaders have certain traits that make them good leaders. This theory suggests that leaders are born. On the contrary, some of the critics of trait theory believe that leaders can be made through training and development. There are certain skills and traits that contribute to a good leaders effectiveness in certain situations. On the other hand, it is believed by many that skills can be developed. Effective leaders are made by inculcating particular traits in to them (Northhouse 2015). An organization often faces situations that require the leaders to have certain traits, rather personality traits that are required for leading the organization towards the specific goals. Personality traits are of two types, General personality traits and task related traits. The general traits are common traits that are required in all the areas irrespective of where an individual works. These traits are self-confidence, humility, core self-evaluations, assertiveness, enthusiasm, and trustworthiness, sense of humor, extraversion, optimism and warmth. The task related personality traits are proactive personality, passion for the work and the people, emotional intelligence, self-awareness, self-management, relationship management, flexibility and adaptability and management (Sethuraman and Suresh 2014). The trait approach theory suggests that individuals with these traits have the possibility of becoming successful leaders. To understand leadership it is very important to understand the traits, characteristics, behaviors of leaders. According to the trait theory leaders have a stable and consistent patterns of behaviors and consistent that determine that which individuals can be successful leaders. For example an enthusiastic leader, can easily influence and motivate people but a leader who himself is not enthusiastic will not be able to motivate the employees and the subordinates. Effective leaders will know how to make good relation with his or her subordinates; these qualities are innate to individuals (Sethuraman and Suresh 2014). Good leaders are also differentiated by their motives as well, leaders are ambitious and they are motivated by the need for occupying a position and they also have need to control others. The motives of the leadership are divided into four categories, power, drive and achievement, tenacity and resilience, strong work ethic (Van Wart 2014). Effective leaders have power motive that creates a need for controlling resources. There are two types of power motive according to the Motive leadership theory, personalized power motive and socialized power motive. Personalized power motive makes the leaders seek for themselves. According to the theory, it is the drive and an achievement motive that makes the leaders strive hard to attain certain goals and objectives. Drive enables individuals to give their best efforts for achieving certain goals and objectives maintain the persistency by continue to apply energy in that direction. Achievement is defined as the joy that an individual gets by attaining certain goals and objectives. Leaders have tenacity and resilience motives, leaders are tenacious any project of new business deal taken up by a leaders takes a significant amount of time. Leaders are resilience motives because they usually rise up from any failure of difficulty through their constant efforts (Chemers 2014). The theory that contradicts the trait theory is Contingency theory, it suggest that there are certain contingency situations that requires much more than the already mentioned traits and motives, effective leaders emerge out of these situations based on the situation leaders have to decide what action is needed. The traits of the leaders are not that much effective, rather they are forced to use their experience and forecast what steps will help in those crises. This theory says that there is no specific method to style that can fit in all the situations. Success of an organization is determined by a number of factors which includes, leadership style, quality of the followers and the features of the situation. Contingency factor is a situation or feature in a circumstance which is considered while designing the organization or designing any parts or system of the organization (Van Wart 2014). Situational theory The situational theory on the other hand suggests that leaders select the best method or the course of action based on the situation or the condition. For different types of decision-making, different types of leadership is required. For example if it is requirement of the situation that the leader or the manager has to be authorative, and he is the only member in the group that has more knowledge about the situation than others then he or she should use the autocratic type of leadership. Autocratic type of leadership style might contradict some of the traits that are required in managers, like being emphatic. There are situations when the leaders have to overlook the individual interest just to protect the interest of the team, this might clash with the interest of any group member. The duty of an effective leader in such situation will be to give priority to the interest of the entire group in such case he will contradict some of the basic things that the managers need to do, liste ning to the employees. In this situation, listening to a single employee might go against the interest of the entire group (Nahavandi 2016). Trait theory is one of the most popular theories of leadership but according to the other theorists it is not applicable in all the situations, the leadership style is determined by the situation, so is the effectiveness of the leadership. Leaders in any organization lead and direct the employees, they do require skills that lets the leaders effectively lead the organization towards attaining goals and objectives of the organization. Theories of leadership also suggest that leaders can be made, but trait theory suggests that effective leaders have certain traits that makes them leaders. Traits can be learned through experience, leaders needs to have extensive knowledge of situation. If leaders have sufficient experience about various situations they will know what needs to be done in those situations. For an instance if an organization if the workers call strikes, an effective leader might have to think out of the box and does something that will help combat the situation of and deal with the agitated workers. All these issues are not discussed in the theories and that is where the limitation can short sightedness is seen in the trait theory as well as behavioral theory. The contingency and the Situational theory all though does not lack vision, because there are many situations that will require taking different course of action other than the typical measures (Ghasabeh Soosay and Reaiche 2015). Transformational leadership Transformational leadership is the type of leadership that is most appropriate for modern organizational structure, in transformational leadership the leaders with their subordinates work towards identifying the required change and work in harmony with the employees. Transformational leadership motivates the morale of the employees and their job performance is improved by taking various measures (Antonakis and House 2013). Implications of leadership theories in organization In an organization there are many kind of individuals who are motivated in different ways, it is not necessary that all the employees can be motivated by monetary benefits, some want promotion, recognition and appreciation. It may also happen that it is not the rewards that motivates certain employees instead the fear of punishment motivates them. Dealing with sch employees might require a strict leader that can create fear in those types of employees, it is contradicting the trait theory that suggests that leaders are required to be emphatic, it is the situation that determines how the leaders should be (Chemers 2014). Leaders can be made, though various training and grooming sessions leaders can be trained to use the right type of leadership style. Contemporary leadership is totally based on the situations, the effectiveness of the leaders is based on the right use of methods and course on actions. Trait theory can be used in places where the situation always remains same. In an organization trait theory can be applied but it is not that much effective because situations are not same. A broader approach is always needed in an organization and therefore the leaders are required to act and adapt themselves according to the situation. Everyone can be a leader if proper training is given to theme, the traits can be taught not all of it but most of it, like communication skills, problem solving, adaptability (McCleskey 2014). In an organization the motive of leaders is not always power neither their need is to control others, leaders in an organization are elected on the basis of their qualities and the situation, the individual that seems the suitable to manage and lead the organization in a particular situation is made the leader. The motive of leaders is recognition and appreciation, their needs are mostly esteem needs. So, it can be said that the theory of motive is quite applicable in the practical scenario in an organization because the motives of individuals work in similar way. Motives are innate and cannot be trained unlike the traits, which are characteristics that can be learned, while motives are related to psychology (Sethuraman and Suresh 2014). References Antonakis, J. and House, R.J., 2013. The full-range leadership theory: The way forward. InTransformational and Charismatic Leadership: The Road Ahead 10th Anniversary Edition(pp. 3-33). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Chemers, M., 2014.An integrative theory of leadership. Psychology Press. Ghasabeh, M.S., Soosay, C. and Reaiche, C., 2015. The emerging role of transformational leadership.The Journal of Developing Areas,49(6), pp.459-467. McCleskey, J., 2014. Emotional intelligence and leadership: A review of the progress, controversy, and criticism.International Journal of Organizational Analysis,22(1), pp.76-93. Nahavandi, A., 2016.The Art and Science of Leadership -Global Edition. Pearson. Northouse, P.G., 2015.Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications. Sethuraman, K. and Suresh, J., 2014. Effective leadership styles. International Business Research,7(9), p.165. Van Wart, M., 2014.Dynamics of leadership in public service: Theory and practice. Routledge.

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